There is another part of my family that is very important to me--my Standley family.
This is my Grandfather and Grandmother Joseph Hyrum Standley and Lillie Viola Russell. Just a few years ago I knew very little about these families. It is strange how a few years can change what you know about some one.
Grandpa Standley, as we called him, had a hard younger life. At the age of 3 his mother was killed in a buggy rollover. His father remarried, and the family moved to Idaho. At the age of 8 his father died. At this time his step-mother took his half brother, left Idaho, and went back to Utah. This left him and his brothers and sisters to fare for themselves. Grandpa was lucky--he found the Moss family in Ririe that took him in and treated him as one of their own. He never talked much about his early life, so most of what I have was hand-me-downs from his family. The rest of the family went different ways, and I never got to know them. I have been lucky to get to know several of their grandchildren in later years.
Grandma was a very sweet and loving person, although you know when you had gone too far with her. She also came from a family that did not have a lot. They were teamsters and sheep herders. I think they did a lot of moving around. I do know that she had a great ancestry.
Her eighth great grandfather was William White of the Mayflower. A lot of that family was well-known in the New England area.
There is a lot more to tell and I will give more as time goes by.